Using pseudo word cards produce an chance for children to find out non-words and practise their recognition and blending of graphemes inside the earliest measures within their phonic development. It can benefit all your children make progress in blending sounds in alien or non-words, and enable them to grow their score on these words within the Phonics Screening Check.
I stumbled upon three problems with the pseudo words, alien or non-words within the first test the kids needed this year.
My more able readers attempted to start to see the alien, nonwords much like real words. Because Irrrve never practised alien words enough together, and didn’t understand the quantity of an impact this may wear their score. Numerous my most able readers didn’t achieve the advantage.
Other children found digraphs and trigraphs harder to place within the nonwords and additionally they begin to see the letters as single sounds. They were acquainted with retrying real words until they provided sense and would return to check out digraphs and trigraphs.
I’d generally used ‘sound buttons’ to underline phonemes in words, but there’s been no ‘sound buttons’ within the words within the test. When attemping to determine the non-words, the kids battled since they didn’t have mention of the evaluate they’d read them properly.
Studying Alien Words Isn’t just Regarding The Phonics Screening Check Results
I recognized that studying non-words should not be any skill that people trained only for, and even perhaps before, test. Studying non-words can be a helpful skill that ensures children’s phonic understanding is firmly embedded, and allows you to decode harder words since they enter Key Stage 2.
Although I stumbled upon some excellent online sources, undertake and do not were systematically tied combined with developmental phases within the DfE’s Letters and Sounds Programme. I looked within the Letters and Sounds Programme and began creating words that used the phonemes and word structures from each phase out of this. After I put these words onto flashcards I deliberately overlooked the ‘sound buttons’ or underlining of each phoneme within the word. This enabled the kids to practise recognising digraphs or trigraphs in non-words.
Achieved it work? Well, inside my next phonics screening think about the advance within the most up to date listings for kids within my class was dramatic. Within the pass rate underneath the national average this year, having a brilliant over 90% pass rate in 2013.
Modifications for that Phonics Screening Check 2014 imply we’ll not know about threshold or pass mark until carrying out a check remains administered. I am certain the skills the kids may have in studying alien words, through using my pseudo word cards, will assist them score well across the phonics screening check again this season.