My Journey’s Beginning
I’ve always wanted to be a part of the fashion and textile industry. I’ve always loved everything, from designing new clothes to bringing them to life with sewing techniques. Unfortunately, my parents never supported my passion. They thought that finding success in the industry would be challenging and that I would be better off in a more lucrative career path, such as accounting. I followed their wishes but still took sewing classes in Singapore on the side so I wouldn’t abandon my passion.
After graduating, I got a job as an accountant that I kept for five years. While it helped me financially, I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. At this point, though, I thought that being able to pursue my dream of working in the fashion industry was a lost cause. But then, I found out about the Place and Train Programme.
The Place and Train Programme
The Place and Train Programme is meant for people like me who want a career change. When I heard about this programme, I immediately looked for one that focuses on the fashion industry. I am fortunate that I found a fashion company participating in a Career Conversion Programme for those seeking a career in fashion.
During this Career Conversion Programme, I could take fashion classes online while still receiving a monthly salary. This rule was a relief to hear since I still needed a way to support myself while I took these classes. After completing the courses, the company participating in the programme can immediately hire me, which means I’d finally be able to enter the fashion and textiles industry on my own merit. There were no downsides and no reason to hesitate, so I quit my accountant job and joined the Career Conversion Programme.
Where I Am Now
I’m happy to say that I’ve achieved my dream of working in the fashion and textile industry. I’ve learned many things during my months in the Career Conversion Programme. While I knew how to sew, there were many aspects of designing and creating clothes that I should have considered. For example, among the classes I took was the sneaker design course, which I didn’t expect to enjoy so much.
In the end, some more advanced sewing classes helped me learn more sewing techniques, and now I work as a seamstress in a fashion house. However, this is just the beginning. I want to continue expanding my horizons and eventually get into designing clothes professionally. I hope to launch my fashion line one day and prove to everyone that I can succeed in this industry.
Do you want to enrol in a fashion designing course online and fulfil your fashion dream as I did? Check out the classes available at, the Textile and Fashion Training Centre. Whether you want to learn about designing, sewing, or business, you’ll find your place in the fashion industry when you take one of their professionally taught courses. View all their available programmes by visiting’s website today.